When it comes to investing it is impossible to remove risk entirely, but what if you could control 95% of your portfolio’s risk?
Carlson Wealth Management, in combination with cutting edge software innovator Riskalyze, provides investors with a way to mathematically manage the risk in their portfolios.
Named by Fast Company Magazine as “one of the top 10 most innovative companies in finance” watch this short video to see how utilizing this technology can benefit you.
We think you can have your cake and eat it too and have designed a strategy
with the explicit goal of reducing the risk while NOT reducing the expected return.
Here’s how in 3 easy and complimentary steps.
Step 1 is to determine YOUR personal risk score.
How much are you willing to lose before you throw in the towel?
By clicking on START at the bottom of this page and following the prompts in a matter of seconds the Riskalyze software will calculate YOUR personal risk score. This is a mathematical calculation of how much risk you are willing to take based on your experiences, your actual portfolio and real market returns.
In my 30 years as an adviser this is the best risk assessment tool I have ever seen!
Step 2 is to determine your PORTFOLIO’s Risk Score.
Odds are that you carry more risk in your portfolio than you realize. How do you know? Well every investment in your portfolio has it’s own historical track record. Step 2 is to plug your portfolio into the Riskalyze program and the software will use that information to instantly calculate your Portfolio Risk Score which ideally you want to match to your Personal score from Step 1.
Advisers typically recommend investing in bonds to help reduce risk. Do you know how much the bonds in your portfolio could drop in value if interest rates rise? Or how much your portfolio could drop in value in the next stock market decline? Step 2 will show you in real dollars and cents.
Aren’t these things you should know about your portfolio? Most likely you’ve never had anything like this done for you before and the results may really surprise you!
Step 3 is a Portfolio Adjustment.
Here we will show you how to easily reconfigure your portfolio to match your personal risk score AND not reduce your expected return. In fact, there is a good chance it may actually INCREASE your expected return!
Step 4 is optional.
If you like what you see and qualify for our portfolio requirements we will help you develop a complete financial road map to help you reach your goals and sleep well at night.
Click START and take advantage of Steps 1-3 at NO cost or obligation